Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Thankful for little things

I’m sure most of us would have at one time or another had this thought, “If only I could learn to write my life in pencil so I could erase the mistakes!”
Since we most certainly can’t, then perhaps we should do the next best thing – write our life not in pencil but in hilarious golden phrases that would inspire us to laugh at our blunders and grow from our mistakes. We should lean to blend a little rain with a little sunshine, thereby creating a rainbow. These are some of the lessons of life that I have begun to learn and appreciate.
Each time I find myself wallowing in self-pity or complaining that life is so unfair, I just have to take a look at the newspapers to see that there are others who are a hundred times worse off than me. Next to them, my problems and complaints seem tiny and trivial. At least I still have a roof over my head, three square meals a day, clothes to wear and a bed to sleep in at night.
But, what about those who have recently lost their livelihood or their loved ones? What about those who have been forced to abandon their homes and even their homeland and who now face a life of insecurity? What about all those people whose lives are at risk just because someone has decided to go on an ethnic-cleansing spree?
How can I be selfish and gripe about how little I have when I see pictures of refugees, especially innocent children, with outstretched hands reaching out for a tiny piece of bread? How often have I spent sleepless nights thinking about my future, when some people don’t know for sure if they have a future and are just thankful that they are able to live through another day.
Have I ever thanked God for the countless blessings that He has showered on me or am I guilty of failing to see the little joys of life that I have been blessed with but instead focus only on what I have not received?
Are my daily prayers filled with phrases that begin with “Give me, I want, I need”, when there are many who pray for nothing more than a chance to lead a safe, secure and peaceful life.
And finally, have I ever, in the midst of my self-centred life, taken time off to say a little prayer for others?


Anonymous said...

Hi there Lady Patsy, good to know you have your own Blogger. Yep... you're right. We need to be thankful for the little things in our life... but, I feel you have left out one huge part... this part to me... attributes itself to God. I believe that if you ask anyone, anyone at all... be it a person who is wealthy or one who is dirt poor... they do enjoy the goodness of life in their own way. Maybe to the 'rich' eye, the poor may seem to be at a total disadvantage... but you will never know. They may be much, much, much happier than the rich. Then again, the rich may seem to be lacking in some form of fulfillment according to the eye of the poor... but who is to judge. I believe that if we have God in our lives, we will learn to appreciate and be thankful to all the little as well as the big things that come into our lives... as we all believe... LIFE IS A TOTAL GIFT FROM GOD!

My dear Lady Patsy, I thank you for inviting me to state my point of views in your Blogger. Hoping to see great articles ahead. TQ and God Bless.

Lady Patsy said...

Hi Anglin,

Thanks for your comment and yes I agree with you - life is a total gift from God. Do invite your friends to visit my blog as well.