Monday, October 8, 2007

It’s Raining Men … Allelulia!

There have been many men who have walked into my life. While some have left, others have remained and these are some of the ones whom I hold dear to me and whom I love unashamedly. I love each of them differently and for different reasons. They have all touched my life in their own way and together they have made me feel totally complete … how could a woman ask for more?

Phillip was among the first who came into my life and I love him for having helped me to nurture my talents. I love him for his welcoming nature and for his sometimes wicked sense of humour. I love him for his quiet gentleness and for his fatherly wisdom. I love him for being able to be a friend and a counsellor to all who seek him. I love him for his empathic nature and for his ability to sometimes see beyond rigid rules and regulations. I love him for showing that it is possible to be detached and yet care for someone deeply and I certainly love him for being that strong solid rock and safe haven who I can always count on.

Then there is Rawi – a character unto himself whom I love for his boisterous nature and for his “I don’t care what the world thinks of me” attitude. I love him for his ability of not letting trivial things bother him. I love him for always seeing the good in everyone and for believing that each person deserves a second chance. I love him for being able to put aside his differences and stand up for his contemporaries when the need arises. I love him for his tolerant nature, for his patience and for being able to put up with all my idiosyncrasies over the years and I love him for always being there for me.

What would I ever do without Gerard? I love him for being my own personal punching bag when I need to vent my frustrations. I love him for his welcoming smile, for his great warmth and his unselfish love. I love him for his wit and his sarcasm under which lies a heart of gold. I love him for not being judgemental and for his often non-committal remarks. I love him for knowing when to be silent and for knowing when to give advice. I love him for giving people that space and freedom to grow and for allowing them to make their own mistakes and learning from it and I love him for his quiet strength and gentle assurance and the knowledge that he will never neglect me especially in my time of need.

I love Mari for his persistence in reaching beyond the barriers of distance and silence. I love him for being able to see the unspoken words in a person’s heart and for sensing the hurts that assails one’s soul. I love him for his curtness and for his in your face attitude. I love him for his great insight on life and for his ability to weather all types of adversities. I love him for being able to accept his own weaknesses and for seeing life as a blessing and I love him for accepting me the way I am.

Chris is like a breath of fresh air in my life. I love him for his “nothing gets me down” attitude. I love him for his sunny disposition and for his endless enthusiasm. I love him for being down to earth and for his practical perspective on life. I love him for his child-like qualities. I love him for his reassuring spirit and for his calm, gentle manner and I love him for being able to uplift my spirits whenever I am down.

Nourishment for my soul – this is what Clarence means to me. I love him for his boyish innocence. I love him for his intellectual stimulation as well as his unspoken cynicism. I love him for his ability to calm a troubled soul and bring them gently back to the fold. I love him for his charm and also his aloofness at times. I love him for his quiet, dignified manner and for his level-headedness and I love him for his calm presence in my life.

I love George for his stubborn streak and for the many upheavals he brings into my life. I love him for the way he stands up to me when I am in the wrong. I love him for the many misunderstandings that we have encountered, because it has humbled me. I also love him for his charitable nature and for his fighting spirit. I love him for his determination and for his ability to accept and overcome the many obstacles of life. I love him for his quiet nature and his gentle approach and I love him for his sturdy presence in my life.

Terrance is like a gentle breeze on a hot, sunny day. I love him for his calm, gentle demeanour. I love him for always looking on the bright side of things. I love him for his quiet acceptance of life and everything that has been thrust on him. I love him for his ability to turn every hardship or disappointment into a blessing. I love him for his contemplative nature and for his quiet words of wisdom. I love him for thoughtfulness and his compassion and I love him for knowing how to soothe my bruised soul.

Edwin is a man of few words, but his thoughtfulness is immeasurable. I love him for his patience and for his tolerance. I love him for putting up with my insecurities at times and for his understanding. I love him for his distant yet firm hand of friendship. I love him for his quiet assurance and I love him for always being when I need a shoulder to cry on.

Yes, there are other men in my life – but that’s another posting – some other day but for now, these are the men who have been with me on my many journeys of life. Some have been there for years and others have come in more recently – and I thank God for blessing me with each and every one of them and I just wanna say this: I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


Pak Zawi said...

Lady Patsy,
Great! One single word that says it all.
Your 'lovers' are great people with varied characteristics that give strength to their character. It is such differences that make them so dear to you. Life will be boring if everyone is casted in a similar mould without any variation at all. Just like The Terracota Warriors of Xian China, no two figures are similar.
Go on Pat, let us have more of them. That's an excellent piece from you.

Lady Patsy said...

Thanks Zawi
I just hope that these guys LOVE me just as much as I love them :-)

Pak Zawi said...

Lady Patsy,
Please share by my simple motto "Give love and you get love". It has never failed me.

Nightwing said...

Lady Pat, they are also lucky to have a friend like you who is loyal to them and loves them dearly.

Take care and have a great week ahead.

Zawi's right,"Give love and you get love".


Lady Patsy said...


Ahem ... I do the best I can :-)

winniethepooh said...

u hv met some really awesome men i hv to say! :) I'm sure you hv lots of admirable traits in you that attracts them too :)

have a great week ahead Lady Patsy!

coffeerox said...

so which one is young, single and available?

*(major)hint hint*


Pak Zawi said...

The better ones are always taken. Those that are vailable are more foten than not are the ...... (please complete the sentence at your own risk).

Lady Patsy said...

Yes Winnie, they are real sweethearts and I just can't imagine life without them - I count myself truly blessed.

Lady Patsy said...

They are all single and some are 'young at heart'. But as for the available part ... I will share my chocolates, I will share my books but I won't share my men ... so go find your own :-)

J.T. said...

Hi Patsy

I believe I have met four of them in person. That's how long I've been away from Malaysia. :D

I am familiar with the first two men and I agree with your description of them. You captured them well in words.

It is wonderful to see that all of them bring something good into your life.

I hope they appreciate you as you do them. ;)

Lady Patsy said...

Ahem JT,
I hope you don't mean you're familiar with them in the Biblical sense ... he he he :-)

coffeerox said...

Dear LP,

hey... with the current lack of the male species in the world, I guess I wouldn't mind sharing. after all sharing is caring...

unless you serisouly want me to start playing for the other team?


and Zawi... yeah I know... Those that are vailable are more foten than not are the ones that haven't been captured by Lady Pats yet... so my aim is to reel them in before she gets them..


J.T. said...

Hey Patsy

I swear upon the holy book that I am not familiar with them in the biblical sense. Remember, we do not share our men? :D

Lady Patsy said...

There's a vast ocean out there - so go fish and reel 'em in.

And to quote Mae West: It's not the men in my life, it's the life in my men!

Lady Patsy said...

Hey JT,
Of course we have never broken the golden rule of friendship - the only things we don't share are our lingerie and our men :-)

Lady Gargle said...

This reminds me of a song that goes "To all the girls I love before..." I just couldn't remember the singer :)

J.T. said...

Hi Frankensteina

I heard of two versions of that song "To All the Girls I Loved Before.." I am not sure if there are more but I am familiar with the versions from Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson.

And you are right, this post kind of reminds me of that song... ;)

Daphne Ling said...

Hi Lady Patsy,

Erm...This is a silly question...

This men are the men in your life (friend, boyfriend, colleague etc) or only the special ones in different times of life? =) Sorry if that's a stupid question...

Sigh...If it's the second, I got a long way to go...=(

Haha...Just kidding...But that was a sweet post...