Thursday, June 14, 2007

Who am I really?

“Describe yourself,” said the lady seated across me during the interview. Describe myself? What exactly am I supposed to say, I thought to myself. I’m sure she’s not asking me to describe myself physically – I am sitting right in front of her, so she knows what I look like.
Am I supposed to talk about my academic qualifications, my abilities, my hobbies and my work experiences? Well, they were already stated in my resume and she has just gone through them one by one.
This was truly an awkward moment. Here I was trying to “sell” myself as a writer and I was actually at a loss for words.
What am I supposed to say? How does one describe oneself in a situation like this? I remember vaguely mumbling something … there were pauses in between during which I was trying to rack my brains and think of something interesting to say. It was then that it occurred to me that I truly did not know myself. Ask me to describe my friends, my family, places of interest I have visited, my experiences, my favourite food etc and I bet you I can fill countless pages. But ask me to describe myself and I’m simply stuck!
How do I describe myself so that people can see what is inside my soul? How do I describe myself so that people truly understand who I am? How do I describe myself without the benefit of my qualifications and experiences?
This question has been plaguing me for the past couple of days. And I’ve been wracking my brains trying to think of an ideal answer.
I like to think of myself as a silent observer in this great game of life. I can see myself as a little girl watching from an upstairs window as a noisy and colourful carnival passes by in the streets below. I want to go down and be a part of the crowd, but I’m too nervous and too shy. I dream of being a part of the carnival, but I know that I can never match the talent and the beauty of the group, so I remain upstairs, safe and secure in my little room and contented to watch the carnival of life go by.
There are so many things I want to do in my life. So many dreams I’d like to see come true. So many ambitions I want fulfilled. There are so many places I’d like to visit and things I’d like to do, not only for myself but for others as well.
But for now, I’m still the little girl at the window – watching and waiting – dreaming that someday I too will be a part of the carnival and not a mere distant spectator.
Is the right way to describe myself? I truly don’t know.
And so the question remains, “Who am I really?”


J.T. said...

Good question Pat. Sometimes when I am asked that same question, I don't know what to say.
How does one describe oneself without trying to make it sound too boastful? hehe
If we sell ourselves too much, we are boastful. If we say little, we don't know ourselves. I guess we have to find a balance, huh?

Anyway, how I describe you since I have known you...

-Loyal - to family, friends and company
-Sexy (don't tell the interviewer this! haha)
-Professional in any job given to you
and most of all ... Intelligent.

Am I forgetting anything more? hehe

You know, Wai Ling (your temp. ex boss) still speaks highly of you and the job you did in our company.

Take care chweetie. :)

Lady Patsy said...

Thanks JT ... hmmm ... maybe that's what I'll say the next time I'm asked that question. If they ask me to elaborate, I'll tell them to "go ask my best friend" he he he.

Salt N Turmeric said...

LP, i too wud go '' when asked tht question during interview. to tell u the truth, i hate tht question. i feel like "masuk bakul angkat sendiri". :P

Lady Patsy said...


Looks like its a case of "To boast or not to boast, that is the question."