Monday, April 16, 2007

Understand or not?

I have been having a case of writer’s block and simply could not think of anything to write for my blog. I was discussing this with my best friend Jacqui and we were throwing ideas back and forth.
At times like this, I like to draw back on my own personal experiences and think of what has been happening in my life. To my surprise I discovered that sometimes in the most mundane of activities, there lies an interesting story ….

Being house bound because of a bad case of the flu, I decided to spend my valuable time working on a crossword puzzle – telling myself that it would improve my IQ and my word power, and my knowledge of the world in general. When I got stuck on a difficult clue, I began to think about how the English language is a lot like a child – sometimes delightful, sometimes confusing, and sometimes downright maddening. Some words have such built-in beauty, they can make you feel good to hear the lilt in them. Others have so many different meanings and interpretations that you must be very careful how you handle them.

Like a child, the English language can charm you – or it can drive you up the wall, make you nutty or cause you to go bananas!
See what I mean? We have such silly English expressions – “Drive you up the wall” And how does one exactly do that – in a car?
And how does someone make you “nutty”? Spread you with peanut butter?
“Go bananas” – what does that mean? Turn yellow? Get a thick skin? Start to hang around with a bunch?

One of the funniest parts of the English language involves the naming of groups of things. I can understand a “swarm of bees” or a “flock of geese” but who came up with the idea of a “school of fish”, a “pride of lions” or a “host of angels”?

Abandoning my puzzle, I began to waste time by putting together some groupings of my own. How about a “gaggle of gossips” or a “wiggle of women”, a “hassle of husbands”, a “clatter of children” or a “mutter of mothers”?

Well, this just shows how easy it is for minds to meander and thoughts to travel – and still get nowhere fast. But in this case, I managed to get a posting for my blog!


J.T. said...

Hello Patsy, I finally finished my blog after 8 hours! It drove me up the wall after a while. I went bananas trying to arrange the graphics. I can hear foghorns in my brain now. Got to rest.

Lady Patsy said...

My hats off to you for taking so much pride in your blog. Keep up the good work gal. We may soon have to bestow you with the title 'Blog Queen' or something like that. What say you folks out there?

J.T. said...

Thanks for the compliment for the vote of confidence.. but no need for title-lah. I enjoy creating my blog to the way I like it (and hopefully it pleases some reader's eyes).
Where is your "last post"?


Lady patsy,

we are known as a band of bloggers.

between the both of you -- JT and Lady Patsy -- i just don't know whose blog is nicer...
they are both really really lovely.

Lady Patsy said...

Kak Nur,
Thanks for your compliment - both JT and I take pride in our work, regardless of what it is. And as JT mentioned, we love to be creative ... but between JT and I, she is certainly the more creative one. In fact at times I get her to help me do up my blog ... that's what friends are for. Btw I would like you to check out this site:

J.T. said...

Pat, I just read your comment. I did not know there was a continuation of commentaries here. Thanks again for the compliment. Please feel free to call on me whenever you need anything.

J.T. said...

I have added your website address on my blog under "Food Tasting". :)